Hola amigas!! como estan? espero que muy bien y listas esperando el nuevo reto! Que les parecio al pasado, increible no? ahora ya saben como hacer un step card. Bien, pues el dia de hoy les traemos un reto atrevido y divertido! si, el reto de hoy en Latinas en America es hacer una proyecto para una Despedida de Soltera! Que tal? y aqui esta la mia!!
Hello friends! how are you? I hope very well and ready for the next challenge!! What did you think about the last challenge? great, isn't? well, now you know how to make a step card. Moving to the next; today, we bring you a funny and sexy challenge; yes, the challenge at Latinas en America is to make a project related to a Bachelorette Party!! how great is this?!! So, here is mine!!!
Imprimi la estampa digital en watercolor paper, la coloree con prismacolors, que tal se ve! a mi me encanto jejejeje y el sentimiento fue hecho con un abecedario. A los lentes le puse mod podge dimensional magic para dar el efecto de reflejo que tal quedo?
I printed the digi stamp in watercolor paper, I used my prismacolors to color it. What do yoi think? I love it! the sentiment is made from an abc stamp which means "You are arrested." To the glasses I put mod podge dimensional magic to give the glass effect.
El dia de hoy estamos patrocinados por Kenny K y la ganadora de este reto se llevara 3 estampas digitales.
Today we are sponsored by Kenny K, the winner will get 3 images of their choice.
Kenny K |
Pues bien, ahora les toca a ustedes hacer sus proyectos !!!!! Recuerden pasar a visitar a nuestro blog de Latinas en America para ver las hermosas tarjetas que las chicas del DT hicieron para inspirarlas!!!
Well, now it's your turn to do your project!! Remember to stop by and visit blog of Latinas en America to see the beautiful projects that the DT girls did to inspire you!!
I'm participating at the following challenges:
Craftin Boutique- anything goes (2)
Crafty little Fairies-anything goes (2)
Sister Act Card Challenge - Challenge # 30 Anything Goes (2)
Created with Love challenges - CWLC 64 Anything Goes(2)
Through The Craftroom Door - TTCRD october 29-november 4 challenge (2)
Digitally Sweet - DSC #59 'Anything Goes' w/Lacy Sunshine (2)
Paper Crafting Journey - Anything Goes! (2)
4 Crafty Girls-Challenge 4 Anything Goes (2)
Through the Purple Haze challenges - For the Girls
Partytime Tuesday - PTT#144 Anything Goes
Crafty Sentiments - Anything Goes and GDT Call

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Thanks for your lovely comments!!! You can contact me at myhobbymyart @ gmail .com